


A campaign by liuminxuan

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    Raised of $5
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A campaign by liuminxuan
6 campaigns, 0 contributions
  • Contribute $5 or more

    Limited to 10 Contributors

    he technology behind Silk’n Lipo has been exhaustively tested and it has been proven totally safe for everyday use. There is no increase in warmth, nor any other form of discomfort accompanying treatments. All you’ll feel is your muscles gently working beneath the device in response to the EMS. There are no known adverse or long-term side-effects. Silk’n Lipo is effective yet 100% safe and non-invasive.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.

Silk’n Lipo shrank the advanced LLLT (Low-Level Light Therapy) technology found in clinical-sized machines down to dimensions that can be used at home. LLLT is an established fat-reduction technology that’s popular in high-end clinics because it’s safe and it works.

Certain frequencies of light cause temporary pores to form in the body’s fat cells. The fatty content of the cells drains out through these holes and is then evacuated from the body through the bloodstream in the same, natural manner as regular dietary fat. Once the fat cells are emptied of fatty content, they shrink and the fat is permanently removed from your body, leaving you slimmer and more contoured.